How to cook sausages
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How to cook sausages

Cooking Instructions for thick sausages

Thick sausages - Oven
  • Preheat oven to 180 degrees for 5minutes.

  • Lightly coat the sausages in cooking oil and add to the tray (there should be a nice sizzle on contact and throughout cooking process).

  • Cook sausages for approximately 14 minutes turning halfway (and remember.. don't prick the sausages!)

  • Let sausages rest for 3 minutes.
    (Safe internal temperature for cooked sausages is 71degrees Celsius).


Thick Sausages - Pan

  • Preheat frying pan until lightly smoking. 

  • Lightly coat sausages in cooking oil and add to the pan (there should be a nice sizzle on contact and throughout cooking process).

  • Cook sausages for approximately 12 minutes turning every 3 minutes (and remember.. don't prick the sausages!)
  • Let sausages rest for 3minutes.
    (Safe internal temperature for cooked sausages is 71degrees Celsius).

Cooking Instructions for thin sausages

Thin Sausages - Oven 
  • Preheat oven to 180degrees for 5minutes.

  • Lightly coat the sausages in cooking oil and add to the tray (there should be a nice sizzle on contact and throughout cooking process).

  • Cook sausages for approximately 12minutes turning halfway (and remember.. don't prick the sausages!)

  • Let sausages rest for 3minutes.
    (Safe internal temperature for cooked sausages is 71degrees Celsius).


    Thin Sausages - Pan

    • Preheat frying pan until lightly smoking.

    • Lightly coat sausages in cooking oil and add to the pan (there should be a nice sizzle on contact and throughout cooking process).

    • Cook sausages for approximately 10 minutes turning every 3 minutes (and remember.. don't prick the sausages!)

    • Let sausages rest for 3minutes.
      (Safe internal temperature for cooked sausages is 71degrees Celsius).